Bird proofing

Have you noticed signs of bird activity in your home or at your place of work.?

 We offer bird and nest removal to repairs and proofing\netting so that  future problems are avoided.

Whether it involves applying wiring under tiles on your roof, placing spikes on ledges or fitting netting around buildings or fire exits we will make sure once the job has been completed that no further issues should arise.

We also offer a deep clean service involving removal of all waste and refuge created by the birds which can prove to be a health hazard. 






Rabbit proofing

Rabbits can make quite a mess of your garden through digging and burrowing under sheds etc.

Here at HJE Pest control we have many methods for the removal of rabbits when causing a problem. 

If required we can also install fencing and wire bases to prevent rabbits. Using the best materials for the task at hand you will not be disappointed with the outcome. All damage caused  by rabbits will be rectified and all waste removed.

There are several methods to deal with this problem depending on customer requirements.

We also offer the laying of concrete bases in preparation for any sheds or outbuildings you are planning to ensure you avoid problems once in situ.